Twyx app

Twitter should work for *you*

Twitter is THE social network for your professional network.
But it wasn't designed for "Time Well Spent".

It's time for a better Twitter experience! Finite scrolling. Usage time limits. Hiding like counts and notifications. An algorithm that you control instead of one that controls you. Search that doesnt suck.

So many "obvious" ways to make your experience better, and Twitter doesn't lift a finger. We deserve better than this.

Hi! I'm swyx, and I'm looking for 10 alpha testers.

I'm building the Twyx app for myself, and people like me. I'd love to hear your wishlists and pain points too.

    I'd like to interview people for user research. Do you want to opt-in for a 15 min Zoom chat?
    We respect your privacy. Unsubscribe at any time.

    The goal is a cross platform Twitter app that lets us stay informed and connected, without hooking us in.